Embark on your own farm-to-table journey with SeasonsPlenty.

Our mission is to foster a relationship between the consumer, the food they eat, and the farmer who grows it.

We aim to empower both consumers and farmers through this relationship. Consumers have total transparency on where and how their food is produced, and simultaneously support local businesses. Farmers are connected directly to the consumer, cutting out unnecessary middlemen and exploitative fees.

Our values and guarantees...

Seasons Plenty Chain


We are committed to sourcing the tastiest fresh-packed food from farmers and makers who treat not only their land and their products, but also their employees, with utmost respect.

Seasons Plenty Earth Farmer Hat

Giving Back

We utilize consumer demand trends and farmer supply data to place our orders and help our farm partners crop plan.

Seasons Plenty High Five


Having an intimate relationship with our neighbors is key to our mission. We celebrate the philosophy, “Know your food.”

Seasons Plenty Plum Tree